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Five Steps To Get Rid Of Head Lice And Nits (With Home Remedies)

To eliminate lice and nits, some homemade and natural measures can be tried before using pharmacy remedies.

This type of treatment by lice doctors Atlanta includes vinegar and essential oils and can be done on adults or children. However, if the head lice infestation does not improve within one week, it is advisable to go to the doctor as it may be necessary to use shampoos from the pharmacy.

The five essential steps to get rid of head lice and nits are explained below:

  1. Wash Your Head With Vinegar

The first step is to wash your hair with a mixture of vinegar and warm water, which must be applied directly to the scalp. Vinegar has properties that help kill and eliminate lice and nits.


  • 1 cup of cider or apple vinegar;
  • One glass of warm water.

Method Of Preparation

Mix a glass of vinegar with a glass of warm water. Then, spread this mixture over the entire scalp and cover the hair with a cap, leaving it to act for approximately 30 minutes. Finally, you can wash your hair normally with the shampoo you use.

  1. Blend Of Essential Oils

The second step is to apply a mixture of essential oils directly to the scalp and let it act for about 20 minutes, wearing a cap.


  • 50 ml of coconut oil;
  • 2 to 3 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 2 to 3 drops of fennel essential oil;
  • 50 ml of apple cider vinegar.

Method Of Preparation

Just mix all the ingredients and apply directly on the scalp and let it act for 20 minutes, then you can wash the hair with the shampoo that the person is used to.

  1. Common Or Electronic Fine Comb

The third step is to use an ordinary fine-tooth comb through all the hair, separating strand by strand, to ensure that all hair is combed that way. Instead of the ordinary fine comb, an electronic comb can be used on dry hair, which effectively eliminates and identifies lice. See more how to identify nits and lice.

This comb makes a continuous sound while it is turned on and a louder, louder sound when it encounters a louse. It emits a frequency of ultrasound that is not perceived by the person but sufficient to kill the lice.

  1. Repeat Steps Nine Days Later

Head lice have a life cycle of 9 days, so lice that were nits and were not eliminated with the first pass can end up developing in up to 9 days. So, repeating all steps after nine days ensures that all lice are eliminated.

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