An O-Shot is a non-surgical procedure meant to increase sexual arousal and vaginal rejuvenation. It makes use of the plate-rich plastic (PRP) of the patient to stimulate new cell growth in the vaginal walls and clitoris. Such platelets generate new collagen, enhance cell functioning, and boost the flow of blood to the area, increasing vaginal sensitivity and clitoral stimulation.
What to Expect During and After the Procedure
The procedure starts with doing a simple blood draw from the patient’s arm and spinning the blood down in a centrifuge to isolate platelet-rich plasma. This is expected to take around twenty minutes Doctors in Miami recommend consuming more water than usual the day of the procedure for an easier blood draw and more comfortable procedure.
The next step is the application of a topical anesthetic inside the vagina and around the clitoris. When such areas are numb, a local anesthetic is injected to completely numb the deeper tissue. Then, the doctor will use a tiny need to inject PRP near the clitoris and into the vagina’s front wall, near the G-spot and urethra. The patient can expect to experience mild cramps right after.
A few hours after the procedure, the treated areas will experience normal sensation, after the numbing cream has worn off. The patient can resume all activities, including sexual activity the same day. However, they may notice light spotting from the needle injections. Experts recommend not taking any anti-inflammatory medications. The reason is that PRP works by inflammation and medications that reduce this can also reduce the result and how the body works during cell turnover with PRP.
O-Shot Cost
Although the procedure is mostly standardized, O-Shot cost Miami can be affected by slight differences in how the shot is prepared and injected. Miami. But, the majority of patients can expect to pay between $1, 500 and $2, 000 for their O-shot. To know the final cost is to schedule an initial consultation to talk about certain desires and medical history. An O-shot package is available and decreases the price of an O-Shot even further.
How Long Does O-Shot Last?
Results from O-Shot can last up to at least one year; however, the majority of women will notice the main difference between six weeks and three months after treatment. As the sensation cells are more sensitive and the moisture cells make more moisture, the vessels become plumper, allowing for more blood supply to the area. As a result, patients can easily achieve orgasm.