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What You Need To Know About Hyperkeratosis

What is Hyperkeratosis? It is when a person’s skin in certain areas thickens more than usual. Skin, hair, and fingernails contain the hard, fibrous protein keratin. The body may produce extra keratin as a result of genetic predisposition, inflammatory response to pressure, or protective response. Preventive measures and medication are effective treatments for the majority of hyperkeratosis types.

What Causes Hyperkeratosis?

When skin is not inflamed, a condition known as non-pressure-related keratosis appears, and specialists think that genetics may play a role in the development of this form of hyperkeratosis. Pressure-related hyperkeratosis develops as a result of irritation, inflammation, or excessive pressure of the skin. In response, the skin produces more keratin layers to shield the affected areas.

Actinic keratosis, which results in rough, sandpaper-like patches of skin from excessive skin exposure, lichen planus, a congenital skin condition, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, eczema, corns and calluses which causes white patches to appear inside the mouth, plantar warts, psoriasis, and warts are all examples of hyperkeratosis. A person should consult a podiatrist if they are unsure about a possible region of hyperkeratosis on their skin.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hyperkeratosis?

Various symptoms of hyperkeratosis may occur. However, a patch of skin that is rough or patchy and feels distinct from the surrounding skin will be present in all symptoms. The following are a few signs of some of the more typical causes of hyperkeratosis:

Calluses: A callus is a region of thickened skin that can develop on the fingers and feet. A callus often has a uniform thickness, unlike corn.

Leukoplakia: This disorder results in the development of thick, white patches inside the mouth.

Corns: A lesion known as a corn usually appears on or in the space between the toes. A corn typically has an extremely hard keratin lesion in the core and a slightly softer surrounding ring of hard tissue.

Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis: This disorder results in severely blistered and extremely red skin at birth. The baby will have regions of thicker skin (hyperkeratosis), especially over their joints, as they age.

Plaque psoriasis: This disorder can result in an overabundance of accumulated skin cells, which are frequently silvery and scaled.

Eczema: This condition results in irritated, red skin that can develop in patches or as tiny bumps.

When to Contact an Expert

If any of the following apply, schedule an appointment with a physician or podiatrist:

  • Your calluses or corns hurt.
  • A painful growth that resembles a plantar wart appears on your foot.

In order to avoid developing corns, warts, or calluses—which can lead to skin infections—people with diabetes should get their feet routinely evaluated by a medical expert.

After age 20, adults should periodically check their skin. This is especially true for those with a history of spending a lot of time outside working or playing. Consult your doctor or a podiatrist if you need advice on skin evaluation.


The phrase “hyperkeratosis” is a catch-all term for a number of different skin disorders. Different symptoms are seen in the various hyperkeratosis-related medical diseases. They do share one trait, though an excessive amount of keratin production.

Although hyperkeratosis can be inherited and passed down through generations, it can also appear later in life for various reasons. Unknown causes of the illness exist in some forms.

It could take some time to identify hyperkeratosis. Determine the root cause of your skin disease in collaboration with your healthcare professional or podiatrist. Once that is finished, you can start the right course of treatment for your skin issue.

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